The goal of conducting Switch Interviews is to understand why users switch from one solution to another. These insights will help us discover the real job they are hiring our product or service to do, and identify pain points, unmet needs, and opportunities for innovation.
Step 1: Understanding the Purpose of Switch Interviews
Switch Interviews are a technique designed to help uncover the specific triggers that lead customers to switch from one product or service to another. By understanding these moments, we can identify the core "jobs" that users need to accomplish and the obstacles they face in achieving them.
Key Insights from Switch Interviews:
Why users leave their old solution?
What specific problems they were facing with the previous solution?
What they were looking for in a new solution?
Why they chose your product over alternatives?
Step 2: Preparing for the Interview
1. Identify Target Users: Select users who have recently switched from another solution to your product. These could be:
Recent sign-ups or customers who have explicitly stated they’ve moved from a competitor.
Users who have churned from another product or service that your product now competes with.
2. Develop a List of Open-Ended Questions: The key to effective Switch Interviews is asking open-ended questions that will help users articulate their journey. Some sample questions to get started:
What was the primary reason you decided to switch from [old solution] to [our product]?
How were you feeling before you made the switch? What were the biggest pain points?
Can you walk me through the decision-making process when choosing a new solution?
What did you hope to achieve with [our product]?
What made you frustrated or dissatisfied with the previous solution?
Were there any features or aspects of our product that specifically helped you make the switch?
Was there a specific moment or event that made you realize you needed a change?
What other solutions did you consider before making the switch to us? Why did you choose us over them?
3. Prepare for the Interview Logistics
Schedule interviews with 5–10 users, ensuring diversity in their background (e.g., different reasons for switching, different use cases)
Decide whether to conduct interviews in person, over the phone, or via video conferencing (for remote teams)
Set expectations: Let the users know this is a conversation about their experience switching products and that you value their honesty
Step 3: Conducting the Interview
1. Establish Rapport and Set the Context
Start by making the interviewee feel comfortable. Thank them for their time and assure them that their feedback will help improve the product.
Set clear expectations: Tell them you're interested in understanding their decision-making process, why they switched, and what problems they were trying to solve.
2. Guide the Conversation, But Allow for Flexibility
Follow the questions in your interview guide, but let the conversation flow naturally. Probe deeper if necessary to understand their motivations.
Avoid leading questions or assumptions about their journey—allow users to tell their stories in their own words.
3. Take Notes or Record the Interview
If possible, record the conversation (with their consent). This will allow for more detailed analysis afterward.
Take notes during the interview, especially focusing on key moments of frustration, unmet needs, and key decision points.
Step 4: Analyzing the Results
1. Identify Patterns and Key Themes: Once you have completed several interviews, begin to analyze the data:
Common pain points: What were the most frequent frustrations with the previous solution?
Emotional triggers: What were the emotional drivers behind the switch (e.g., frustration, excitement, curiosity)?
Key differentiators: What was it about your product that made them choose it over alternatives?
2. Organize Findings by Job Statements: Classify the insights into the JBTD framework. For example:
Job Statement: "When I need to [job], I want to [desired outcome], but my previous solution didn't help because [pain points]."
Example: "When I need to manage my team’s schedule, I want a tool that automatically updates availability, but my previous solution didn't help because I had to manually adjust time zones and it didn’t integrate well with my calendar."
3. Prioritize the Jobs: Not all insights will be of equal importance. Prioritize the jobs based on:
Frequency of mention (the more users highlight a particular pain point, the more significant it likely is)
Emotional impact (how strongly users feel about their pain points)
Strategic alignment with your product roadmap
Step 5: Use Insights to Drive Product Decisions
1. Integrate Feedback into Product Strategy: Use the insights from your Switch Interviews to inform the development of new features, improvements, or marketing messages that directly address the identified pain points.
2. Create Actionable Personas: Based on your findings, update or create new user personas that reflect the specific jobs and pain points users face when switching to your product.
3. Align Marketing and Sales Messaging: Leverage the insights for marketing materials and sales pitches that emphasize the unique solutions your product offers for the jobs users need done.
Step 6: Follow-Up with Users (Optional but Valuable)
After analyzing the interviews, consider following up with users to:
Validate any findings or assumptions.
Thank them for their time and feedback.
Keep them updated on product improvements based on their feedback, which shows a commitment to continuous improvement and strengthens customer loyalty.

By following this guide, you’ll gain valuable insights into the real Jobs to Be Done from the perspective of users who’ve switched from other solutions. This will help you design products that address unmet needs, reduce churn, and deliver better value for your customers.